ABC and Fundación Konecta

With a view to 2030, ABC and Fundación Konecta have teamed up every year since 2021 to hold the Awareness and Sustainability Meetings (ESS).

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Escuela Pachacutec

Fundación Konecta is committed to the employment integration of young people without resources and people with disabilities in Peru. The aim is to change the social reality of an opportunity-deprived area through the education, training and employment of its young people.

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Familiares Programme

The Familiares Programme was launched in 2014 by MAPFRE and its mission is to provide employment and training guidance to family members of employees who have some kind of disability, with the aim of achieving their maximum degree of social and occupational integration.

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Fundación Dádoris

Fundación Konecta and Fundación Dádoris support, through scholarships, the access to university education of young people with extraordinary talent in their studies, but with limited economic resources, with the aim of promoting their professional development.

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Escuela Perú – Inkluye

This diversity and inclusion programme led by Konecta and supported by Fundación Konecta revolves around three pillars: training, integration and support. Its aim is to fight for the integration of groups at risk of social exclusion in Peru.

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Fundación Alalá

Fundación Konecta has supported Fundación Alalá since its creation, with the aim of educating children at risk of social exclusion in values, using culture, art and sport as a motivational tool.

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Sevilla Solidaria

ABC Seville, CaixaBank and Fundación Konecta have been promoting Sevilla Solidaria since 2013, a news portal that covers the activities carried out throughout the province by social organisations.

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