Legal Notice

Legal Notice 


    In compliance with the duty of information of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, which establishes the obligation of all providers of information society services to have means that allow both the recipients of the service and the competent bodies, access by electronic means, permanently, easily, directly and free of charge to certain information that we provide in this section.Details of the owner of the website: www.fundacionkonecta.orgOwner: FUNDACIÓN KONECTATax Identification Number: G84227313Address: calle Serrano, 41 2nd floor – P.C. 28001 MadridPhone number: +34 902 193 106


    Registration details: FUNDACIÓN KONECTA is registered with the Ministry of Welfare Foundations (Ministry of Labour): 28/1349.


    The present conditions are the terms and conditions that regulate the access and use of the website that FUNDACIÓN KONECTA makes available to its users and clients on the Internet.

    The FUNDACIÓN KONECTA website includes and all FUNDACIÓN KONECTA online sites (‘our website’) such as blog, website, support materials, control panels, product pages, manuals, microsites, etc, both under and under other domains controlled and/or operated by FUNDACIÓN KONECTA. Visiting and browsing our website confers on the user the condition of User and implies that you have read, understood and fully accepted these conditions and our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any of these conditions, please do not continue to use our website.

    Access to our website is free of charge, except in those cases in which prior contracting is required for access to certain content or services, a situation of which you will be clearly informed and you will be asked for your explicit acceptance of the contract for the provision of services and payment as appropriate.


    All the contents in our web, including, without limitation, texts, diagrams, photos, graphs, logos, names, icons or computer applications, as well as the domain names are the property of FUNDACIÓN KONECTA (except in the cases otherwise indicated) or the corresponding rights or assignments have been acquired and are protected by national and international laws and regulations relating to intellectual property, domain registration regulations and trademark registration regulations. ‘Fundación Konecta’ is a trademark and trade name registered with the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.

    It is forbidden to use our website or any of its contents without the written permission of FUNDACIÓN KONECTA. The User undertakes not to infringe the intellectual and industrial property rights belonging both to FUNDACIÓN KONECTA and third parties.

    Under no circumstances shall it be understood that access to our Website or the contracting of any of FUNDACIÓN KONECTA’s products by the User implies a transfer, licence or even partial assignment of any of the aforementioned rights by FUNDACIÓN KONECTA to the User.

    All the brand names, brands, logos, icons, slogans and signos distintivos on our website belong to FUNDACIÓN KONECTA or FUNDACIÓN KONECTA has received authorisation from the owner of the right to use them.

    Unauthorised use or use of the contents and information on our website for purposes other than those foreseen in these Conditions, or its use for commercial purposes by the User, as well as infringement of the Intellectual Property rights or trademarks of FUNDACIÓN KONECTA, will give rise to the responsibilities and actions established by law.

    1. COOKIES

    You can find all the information on cookies, purpose and the length of time spent at this link.


    You can access our privacy políicy on this link.


    FUNDACIÓN KONECTA does not control or guarantee continued access, nor the correct viewing, downloading or use of the elements and information contained in its website, which may be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control, and shall not be held liable in the event of service interruptions, delays or malfunctions when these are due to causes beyond its control, force majeure, or due to wilful or negligent action on the part of the user.

    FUNDACIÓN KONECTA reserves the right to limit or interrupt access to our website, as well as the offer or provision of any services and products advertised therein at any time and without prior notice, for reasons of maintenance, security, electrical failure, technical reasons or others, without any liability or right to request any financial compensation. FUNDACIÓN KONECTA will not assume any direct or indirect liability for direct or indirect damage or loss of profit that may arise from the unavailability of our website or the services of FUNDACIÓN KONECTA.

    FUNDACIÓN KONECTA may include links to third parties and/or external websites outside the control of FUNDACIÓN KONECTA. Although we will periodically verify the legality, veracity and relevance of these sites, we cannot guarantee their quality. In this case, FUNDACIÓN KONECTA cannot guarantee nor can it assume any type of responsibility for this external content or for any damage or harm that may be caused by accessing these sites. FUNDACIÓN KONECTA will only be responsible, in accordance with article 17 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, of 11 July 2002, for those contents that, having had effective and reliable knowledge of the unlawfulness, it has not removed or deactivated the link to them.

    Likewise, FUNDACIÓN KONECTA assumes no responsibility for the information that may exist on third-party websites or that may be accessed through search engines or third-party links to our website.

    FUNDACIÓN KONECTA reserves the right to modify these general conditions if and when necessary. In the event that the change in content is substantial, it will do so in any case after the inclusion on the website of a notice informing of the change in question in a visible and easily accessible place for all users.


    Although this website is not intended for minors, they are permitted to access it. However, in the event that a minor wishes to request information from us, they may only do so themselves if they are over 14 years of age. In the case of minors under 14 years of age, this must be done by the person holding their parental authority, guardian or legal representative, authorising the latter on behalf of the former the processing of their personal data by the company, in such a way that those in charge of minors assume sole responsibility for determining the services and contents of this website that are appropriate for the age of the minors in their care.

    FUNDACIÓN KONECTA  assumes no responsibility in the event that minors under the aforementioned age provide us with their personal data in breach of these obligations.


    Users undertake to use the contents in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and, in particular, undertake to refrain from reproducing or copying, distributing, allowing public access through any form of public communication, transforming or modifying the contents, unless they have the authorisation of the owner of the corresponding rights or this is legally permitted.


    FUNDACIÓN KONECTA does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the users’ computer system or in the electronic documents or files stored therein. Therefore, FUNDACIÓN KONECTA is not liable for possible damages of any nature that may arise for users.

    The user undertakes to use the website in accordance with the law, morality and public order and, in any case, in accordance with the conditions stipulated in this website. It should also be emphasised that the user undertakes to make appropriate use of the services and contents of the website, avoiding the commission of illicit or criminal acts that infringe the rights of third parties or violate current legislation on intellectual and industrial property.

    Likewise, it is forbidden for users to introduce content or information of a xenophobic or pornographic nature or that infringes human rights on the website.

    Finally, it is expressly forbidden to include or disseminate viruses, malware or illegal advertising on the website.


    The activity carried out through the website is subject to the applicable Spanish legislation in force.

    These Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Spanish law, and any dispute, claim or controversy regarding the same shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Madrid.